Friday, October 29, 2010

Losing my mind over Groupon

I seriously think I'm losing it. I've been so out of it all week long, and I don't know why. So far I've locked my keys in the car (Wednesday), walked out of the house without my purse and didn't even realize it until I had to get gas (Thursday), forgotten about the time change for a meeting (also Thursday), and misplaced a paycheck (day unknown). 

Maybe I'm just tired, although I shouldn't be, because I'm sleeping later this week than I have in months. Maybe my brain is sharper the less sleep I get? Wouldn't that be something.

Anyway, does anyone else love Groupon as  much as I do? I have a legitimate problem when it comes to getting roped in by super discounts. If something is 50% off, I will buy it, and I don't even care what it is or if I need it. Considering that everything on Groupon is 50% to 90% off, that's dangerous. 

However, today's deal is awesome. $40 for a month of unlimited classes at a hot yoga studio. I've always wanted to try hot yoga, even though I'm slightly afraid of overheating and passing out, plus someone told me that they shut the door to seal in the heat and don't let you out of the room even if you're about to die. (I don't think that's true, but still, just thinking about it makes me feel claustrophobic).

My yoga experience is limited to Jillian Michaels and P90X dvds, and one or two crappy classes at my crappy gym. I'm nervous that if I decide to go to hot yoga I'll make a complete fool of myself, but the studio specifies which classes are for beginners, and I can totally hold the crane pose for a full minute, so surely I'll be fine...right?

If I decide to go ahead and get the Groupon deal, I'll be trying out hot yoga and triathlon swim classes all in the month of November. It could be a great way to switch-up my exercise routine so I don't get bored, which I think I need to do since I got bored with running only and switched to P90X, then got bored with P90X only and switched back to running. I definitely need to mix it up.

Although maybe all of the "mixing it up" is what's driving me to so much distraction that I keep forgetting simple things...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.

Oh hi! Yes, it's me, it's really me. Where I have I been for the past 5 months, you might ask?

I wish I had a good answer for you. I wish I could say I'd been abducted by aliens, or become a member of the CIA and sent out on a top-secret mission. That would be a lot cooler than the truth, which is...well, I haven't been doing much worth mentioning for the last 150 days (roughly.) 

I did a few triathlon-related things over the summer, but the one thing I didn't do triathlon. Oops! However, I did manage to complete two 800 meter open water swims, so that's something. I even managed to limit my consumption of bacteria-laden lake water to a few gallons.

Then, somewhere in July or August, the wheels came off. Not the wheels of my gorgeous pink bike (though that would have been a handy excuse for my lack of triathlon training) but the figurative wheels that kept my motivation moving forward. 

I could sit here and list a bunch of excuses scratch that, I think that's exactly what I'll do! Let's see...there were vacations, illnesses, wedding planning, important family happenings, (like both of my sisters abandoning me to live elsewhere, cough, cough) and you know, general laziness.

I even let my running mileage get drastically low. For a while, when I couldn't motivate myself to run, I followed the P90X program religiously. I got it for my fiance for his birthday, and we started it together. Let me tell you, that thing WORKS! I could see and feel the changes in my body after 30 days. 

But then, I got a cold and didn't do P90X for a few days. And after I got over the cold, I somehow decided I needed to start building my running mileage up again so I can run a fall marathon in 2011. And after that I got an e-mail from a local women's triathlon club offering 7 weeks of swim training for beginners or people who haven't swum in a while. Sounds good to me! 

So that's basically where I stand. The cold I mentioned, well, I just got over it a few days ago. I've run twice this week and have at least one more run planned with a friend. The swim sessions start on November 7th, so I'd better register. 

Let's see if I can get that motivation rolling again...and also maybe talk about other life happenings, such as how much my sisters suck for leaving me, (cough, cough) wedding planning, and how much I love looking at pictures of food and recipes for things I'll never cook. Food gawker, anyone?

Also, my fiance is still following the P90X program and I plan on doing a review of it in the near future. So keep an eye out for that.