Thursday, January 28, 2010

There's nothing like a little retail therapy.

Today was a no good, awful, very bad day. One of those days where one small thing goes wrong, and then nothing goes right after that. I'll try to spare you the most mundane details, but the straw that broke the camel's back (also literally known as the rock that chipped my windshield) just so happened to occur as I was driving by a shopping plaza. And, as women worldwide know, there is no better cure for the blues than spending money on things you don't strictly need.

I'm sure all the lovely ladies who run/bike/swim or otherwise exercise can understand that buying sports gear is almost as addicting as shopping for "regular clothes." I was planning to pop into Sports Authority soon anyway to pick up new goggles (the elastic band on mine broke), and since I was right there today when I hit the peak of my grumpiness, I decided to head inside and soothe my nerves by browsing.

Ha, browsing. Right. The goggles were located alllllllll the way in the back, and, since it's a big store, I had to walk through the apparel section to get there. Nike, Adidas, Under Armour, and more, all spread out at my finger tips. There were some decent sales going on, and you tell me, what girl can pass up a sale? Even if it's something you don't need, it's so cheap, why not buy it, right? I mean, you might need it someday, and then you might not be able to find it for such a good price. It's all about rationalization, people.

I picked some items up, put some back, picked up some more...deliberated...and here is what I finally walked out with. Actually, I don't think I went too crazy. 


From left to right, that would be a Speedo pull buoy, TYR goggles, a Speedo swim cap, Nike compression shorts, and a Nike zip-up. The best deal of the day? The zip-up. Scored that baby for $11.99, and the original price was $60. Plus, aren't the PINK goggles and swim cap awesome?? 

I have to say, by the time I got home, I was in a much better mood. I only needed one last pick-me-up to hit real happiness, and once I'd polished off that Hershey's bar, my troubles seemed far behind me. (What can I say? I'm a woman!)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Recovery, why do you elude me?

It has been exactly 2 weeks since the marathon. I don't know what I expected as far as recovery time, but this wasn't it. I thought I'd take one full week off, and then dive right back into training, this time for triathlons. I didn't exercise at all while we were in Disney World for vacation, unless you count all the walking through the parks. When we got back a week after the race, I decided I'd go out for an easy 2 mile run; my legs felt completely fine, or so I thought.

Less than 1/4 mile into the run, my legs stopped feeling fine. My hamstrings, which were decidedly the most sore muscle on my body after the marathon, felt like they were strung way too tight. My right arch started to hurt. Most of all, my legs just felt fatigued. I finished the run feeling disappointed, but it was only one week out, so I told myself I'd rest another day or two and try again.

What surprised me the most was the fact that the morning after the 2-mile run, I actually felt sore in my hamstrings! 2 miles made me sore?? Ridiculous! That night, to loosen things up, I rode on the bike trainer for 30 minutes. But the morning after that, my hamstrings were even more sore! Never one to give up hope, I waited 24 hours, and tried another 2-miler. It was a no-go. Yesterday, I rested again. I contemplated heading out for at least 3 miles this morning, but when I stepped out of bed, the pain in my arch made itself known. Instead of running, I hopped on the bike trainer for half an hour.

What's the point of this post, you might ask? There isn't one, not really. Basically, it's me trying to convince myself that taking time off to recover, or just to cross-train, is totally fine. The first week after the marathon, doing absolutely no exercise, was glorious. I felt entitled to the rest. This second week has left me feeling guilty and lazy. In a twisted way, I sort of miss having a training schedule/calendar to cross my runs off of. Now I'm just floundering.

However, aside from maybe doing an indoor triathlon in February (more on that later), I don't have another race scheduled until a half-marathon in June. Logically, I have more than enough time to rest, recover, and train. Have I convinced you of that yet? I'm still working on convincing myself...

I'm going to detail my workout week here just so I can see it in writing:
Monday: 2 mile run
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: 30 minutes on bike trainer, 75 crunches
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 2 mile run
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: 30 minutes on bike trainer

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Show and tell.

Some pictures from the marathon, as promised.

Start line at 5:40 a.m.

Epcot ball as the sun was coming up!

The finish line!

Mickey Mouse medal!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The marathon club.

I've joined it. It's official. I can finally say that I ran a marathon. I'm not sure I can call myself a "marathoner" (yet) you have to complete multiple marathons to earn that title?

I'll try to give a consolidated report of the race (so as not to bore anyone to death). I finished the Disney World Marathon on January 10, 2010.

All winter, as I trained in the frigid weather, I hoped and prayed that race day in Florida wouldn't be too hot, so that my body would be able to adjust, and I wouldn't overheat. Well, someone heard my prayer, because I got my wish...and more. I left home when the temperature was about 30 degrees, and arrived in Florida 3+ hours later, when the weather was about...30 degrees!?!?! Now, I know I hadn't wanted it to be too warm, but I was looking forward to at least a little rise in the temperature.

Since Florida was in the middle of one of its longest cold snaps EVER, the Disney marathon organizers anticipated racers wearing lots of extra layers, and made arrangements to donate any clothing shed by the side of the road to Salvation Army, or other similar charities. My original planned outfit had been spandex shorts and a singlet, and, call me selfish, but I couldn't think of any winter running attire I owned that I really wanted to cast off and never see again. A friend of mine was picking up some cheap sweats at Wal-Mart, and offered to grab some for me too, and that seemed like the best solution. I could see myself easily parting with $10 sweats. I ended up deciding on Nike capri tights, my singlet, a tech long-sleeve top, cheap knit gloves, the purple sweatshirt and sweatpants from Wal-Mart, a black ear band, and a cheap white knit hat.

I am so, so grateful that I started out with that many layers, because on January 10, Orlando tied its record low temperature. For me, running in below freezing temps was not that big a deal, because I was used to doing my long runs in similar weather - actually, colder weather. But having to get up at 3 am, be in the starting area shortly after 4 am, and stand in the corrals for over an hour and a half...that, I wasn't used to. Standing relatively still outside for 2+ hours when the temperature is below freezing is not fun.

Nearly everyone (the marathon had over 16,000 finishers) was wearing some sort of makeshift cold gear that morning as we all huddled in huge groups waiting to walk to the start corrals. Some had managed to commandeer mylar blankets from the previous day's half marathon, and wore them like capes, and even tied around their legs. Others wore garbage bags with arm and head holes cut out. I heard people around me saying they'd gone to the local Wal-Mart, and nearly the entire sweats/hats/gloves section had been bought out.

Anyway, I got up at 3 am, and left the hotel on a shuttle around 3:30 - the race started in Epcot. On the bus, I choked down half a banana. In the starting area, the announcer was encouraging runners to go through the bag check and into the waiting area, so after tossing back a handful of dry cereal, I told darling boyfriend I'd made a mistake and wanted to go home. After several minutes of pleading and persuading, he pushed me through the bag check tent, and from there it was too late to back out.

I huddled behind a large group of people for a while, trying to stay out of the wind and feed off of their body heat, without coming off as a creepster (considering that I kept moving each time the group moved, in order to stay behind them and out of the wind, I'm not sure I did very well with the non-creepy factor. Did I mention the group of people all seemed to know one another, and I didn't know any of them?) We finally started the walk to the start corrals a little before 5 am, and moving helped circulate the blood. We waited in the corral for about 30 minutes, and when the national anthem was sung, I reluctantly pulled off the sweatpants and the knit hat. I would have kept the pants on, actually, except that they were too long, and the crotch hung somewhere around my knee area.

At 5:40ish, fireworks were shot off, which was our signal to start. I have never been so glad to start running as I was that day, just because I really wanted to get warm! Though the race was crowded, I didn't have to bob-and-weave much at the start, since the start corrals and waves were arranged by pace, and seemed to be fairly accurate. During the first 1-2 miles, we ran through Epcot and by the infamous ball. It took about that long for my toes to stop feeling like frozen blocks in my sneakers.

I had seen the 4 hour pacer in my start corral, but in the first couple miles I couldn't tell whether I was ahead of or behind him. All I knew was that I couldn't see him. I just plugged along at what felt like a relatively easy pace, reminding myself not to start too fast - everyone warned me that was the easiest mistake to make. Once I got into the groove, the weather actually felt perfect. Certainly not too hot, but not intolerably cold, either, especially when the sun came up. It seemed as though we ran in the dark for a good, long while, and then suddenly, it was sunny. I completely missed the sunrise, but later, darling boyfriend told me it was beautiful coming up over the Epcot ball.

I quickly realized that I felt best if I tucked in behind a small pack of runners and stayed there. I'm not sure if it was because they blocked the wind, or because we could occasionally banter back and forth to take our minds off of things, or maybe just because it was easier to let someone else set the pace. I'd change groups every once in a while if I felt like speeding up or slowing down, but I kept some of the same 10-15 people in my sights most of the way.

Without running with a pace group, I somehow managed to stay very consistent. I have absolutely no idea how, to be honest. The marathon course took us through each of the parks at one point or another, but it went by in such a blur that it's hard to remember the order they went in! All I know is it started and ended in Epcot, Animal Kingdom smelled terrible (at first I thought someone in my general vicinity had farted, and then when it lingered, I thought maybe someone had even soiled themselves, but I later realized we were running near some fertilizer/manure in the park), running through Cinderella's Castle made me feel like a little girl again, and I ran through a tunnel in Hollywood Studios where I could see all the character costumes hanging up (I didn't even realize it was Hollywood Studios until I went back to that park later, took the Backlot Tour, and remembered running through it).

My splits were as follows:
- Mile 5, 44:11
- Mile 10, 1:27:41
- 13.1, 1:54:25
- 20, 2:53:38
- 26.2, 3:48:15

I took a Clif Shot around mile 7, a Honey Stinger around the halfway point, and sport beans a few times after mile 20. I wasn't sure how the fueling would work, since I had always stopped for 2+ minutes to take my fuel during training. But, once I was in the race, I found myself not wanting to stop at all. The water stops were too crowded and "stop-and-go", and I figured out that the best course of action for getting through them unscathed was to run to the end of the line, take one of the last cups offered, and just keep on going. I got my gels out, opened them up, and held them in my hand well before I got to the water stops; then, when I saw the tables up ahead, I sucked them down, grabbed a water, and slowed just a bit to drink it. For good measure, I stopped at the next water stop along the way to make sure the gel digested. Other than taking water with fuel, I probably took water at every two to three water stops. The Clif Shot and Honey Stinger went down well, and did their job well, but the sport beans...let's just say I will never use those again. I don't know if it was the sugar, or the chemicals, or maybe it wasn't the sports beans at all, and it was just the fact that I'd just run 20 miles, but from mile 21 to the finish I was sure I was going to vomit. At one point I even slowed to a jog, thinking I needed to get sick, but luckily it passed.

Somewhere around mile 22, I saw the 3:50 pace group leader just in front of me. I hadn't been trying to catch him, but I decided I'd try to stick with him to the end. Around mile 23.5 though, I got really annoyed with the pacer and the people running near him. Rather than encouraging the racers who were counting on him, the pacer seemed to be concentrating on regaling his pacing partner with his stories of getting drunk the night before...congratulating himself on still being able to get up at 4:30 and "easily" run a 3:50 marathon. I don't know about anyone else, but the last thing I want to hear when I'm struggling, practically dying, trying to run a 3:50, is how someone else can practically do it in their sleep. But I digress...

I felt sick and was ready to be done, but it was mile 24 and we were headed back into Epcot, where I knew the finish line waited. I concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other, as fast as I could. People were lined up on the side of the street chanting "You're almost there, you're almost there!" but this was at mile 25, and another 1.2 miles did not feel like being "almost there." A gentleman running next to me must have agreed, because he suddenly yelled/gasped "Where the HELL is the finish line!?!?!?" which gave me a pretty good giggle.

Then we rounded a corner and saw it! I heard darling boyfriend call my name and I started sprinting for all I was worth (which wasn't much) and though I told myself I would never do it unless I ran some superbly fast time, I raised my hands into the air as I crossed the finish mat in 3:48:15. The announcer had said "First time marathoners raise your hands!" and so I did.

And then it was over. Someone put a mylar blanket around my shoulders, someone else put a Mickey Mouse medal around my neck, and I started wandering aimlessly in the direction of the family reunion tent. A lady pulled me in front of some sort of backdrop, manhandled me until she had a good view of my medal and my number, and snapped my picture. I made my way to the bag check, got my stuff, and found darling boyfriend. I spent the next 30 minutes concentrating on two things: 1.) not throwing up, and 2.) not getting hypothermia.

After the 30 minutes were over, I got a huge rush of adrenaline realizing that I'd actually finished the marathon I'd been so worried about. Considering that my only public goal was to finish, and my only secret goal was to break four hours...I was one damn happy girl that day.

Phew that was to follow.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Out with the old, in with the new (year).

It's 2010: A new decade. If you're expecting a post full of resolutions, you are not going to get one. I don't "do" New Year's Resolutions. I never have, and I don't know if I ever will. Call it the pessimist in me, but I don't like coming up with a concrete list of things I "have" to achieve in a year. All that leads to is disappointment.

Instead, I will reveal things I want to do in 2010. If I do them, good. If I don't, oh well. 

First and foremost, I would like to survive my very first marathon IN 10 DAYS! Yes, less than 2 weeks into the new decade, I will attempt my very first 26.2 mile race - in Disney World. My goal is to finish, and not die (I'm not talking figuratively. I'll really be happy if I just make it through alive!) And it'd be nice if Mickey Mouse ran with me for a little while, but I won't get too picky.

Second, I want to compete in a triathlon. The distance doesn't matter to me. I just want to be able to say I actually finished a triathlon.

That's pretty much all I hope for in terms of athletic achievement. I won't bore you all with details of my other "wants", but to sum it up they include good health for me, and for my family and friends (doesn't everyone want this?), winning the lottery or otherwise stumbling into mass amounts of money, and convincing a certain someone that marriage is a good thing. One out of three of those is not shallow - that's good enough, right?

Happy New Year!