Friday, January 1, 2010

Out with the old, in with the new (year).

It's 2010: A new decade. If you're expecting a post full of resolutions, you are not going to get one. I don't "do" New Year's Resolutions. I never have, and I don't know if I ever will. Call it the pessimist in me, but I don't like coming up with a concrete list of things I "have" to achieve in a year. All that leads to is disappointment.

Instead, I will reveal things I want to do in 2010. If I do them, good. If I don't, oh well. 

First and foremost, I would like to survive my very first marathon IN 10 DAYS! Yes, less than 2 weeks into the new decade, I will attempt my very first 26.2 mile race - in Disney World. My goal is to finish, and not die (I'm not talking figuratively. I'll really be happy if I just make it through alive!) And it'd be nice if Mickey Mouse ran with me for a little while, but I won't get too picky.

Second, I want to compete in a triathlon. The distance doesn't matter to me. I just want to be able to say I actually finished a triathlon.

That's pretty much all I hope for in terms of athletic achievement. I won't bore you all with details of my other "wants", but to sum it up they include good health for me, and for my family and friends (doesn't everyone want this?), winning the lottery or otherwise stumbling into mass amounts of money, and convincing a certain someone that marriage is a good thing. One out of three of those is not shallow - that's good enough, right?

Happy New Year!


  1. First, GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to read the race report!!!!!!!

    And second, DO THE TRI!!!!!!!!! I did my first last year, and I'm doing at least 2 this year.

    I was on my college's tri team...albeit breifly, but if you ever have any questions I can try and answer them!

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!! It's super-fun! :)

    Good luck again!!!!

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