Friday, March 12, 2010

Anybody seen my mojo??

My mojo has abandoned me. Actually I just looked up the word "mojo" and according to Urban Dictionary, it used to mean a charm or a spell, but now it's used to imply sex appeal or talent. According to it still means magic. I was using it as another word for motivation, but I guess it wouldn't be way off-base to say my "magic" has abandoned me. (Attribution: I'm pretty sure I started using the word "mojo" thanks to Jen aka the "triple threat!")

I'm thinking it's just a phase, but right now, I don't feel like working out. At all. That's a problem. I definitely have the time and all the right tools for training. I just don't seem to have the energy or inclination.

There could be several factors contributing to my lazy attitude. The first is that the pool I normally swim in is closed for the month for renovations. The gym I belong to doesn't have a pool, so I was paying $5 per swim to use the the pool at a local high school. My only other options right now are to swim at my old college, which apparently doesn't offer any type of alumni discount, and pay $10 for each swim. The other problem with that pool is that the open swim hours are very vague - they advertise three blocks of time during the day, but during at least two of those blocks the swim team and diving team are practicing. Or I could swim at a fancy-schmancy gym/club nearby, but that's also $10 a pop, and often filled with kids.

This morning, after not having swum for a week, I got up, gathered up my bathing suit, towel, and clothes and toiletries, and...left them on the foot of the bed while I went back to sleep for two hours. I just didn't feel like paying $10 to swim in a pool crowded with college athletes trying to practice, or, alternatively, crowded with little kids in swim diapers. 

I'm also still finding the indoor bike trainer boring as all get-out. I've only spent one hour on it this week, and the only way I got through it was by watching The Biggest Loser while I rode. Watching Jillian Michaels (one of my not-so-secret heroes) kick the contestants asses got me going pretty good. I'm mad at myself though, because I don't think I set the trainer up properly, and my rear tire is in pretty poor shape. It looks like there are tire shavings coating the back of the trainer. I'm dreading having to buy a new one when it's finally time to put the bike outside. That plus the cost of clips for my pedals and cycling shoes (which I'd really like to have before I compete in a legitimate triathlon) will set me back a little, which gives me stress.

On the positive side, running is going relatively well. I'm getting out at least 3 or 4 times a week. Unfortunately, I'm suffering from what I think are shin splints in both legs. They're very tender, especially after I run and I'm going up and down stairs. Phooey. I've been icing them after every run, and training for my June 6 half marathon starts Monday, so hopefully they're good to go by then!

Anyway, all of these things combined just make it seem easier to sit on the couch instead of workout. Sitting on the couch saves me money, pain, and time! But it's boring. So, if you see my mojo out there anywhere, can you return it? Thanks.


  1. Tell me you also got it from Austin Powers, pleeeease. ;)

    I understand. I had a LOW week this week and last week. Yuck. Let's both kick it up next week!

  2. Sorry to hear your mojo is missing (hehe). I know it may sound counterproductive, but what about an extra rest day/week? Sometimes when I'm despising getting out there for a run the most, my body's trying to tell me it wants a break and then after a day or 2 I'm ready and raring to go again. Luck!!

  3. You'll get your mojo back, girl! I think we all go through periods where we feel like this, but then things always change.

    I agree about the bike trainer- OMG so boring!!!! I never use mine, because it's like torture to spend time on it!

  4. Remember....William had a few set-backs, too, but he kept at it and in the end, he rode the elephant down the street in the big circus parade! (You know what I mean...........) As for your mojo. I know where it is. A big, 2-headed monster came and stole it. You know what you have to do to get it back! :o)

  5. I just took my bike off the indoor trainer this morning. I put about 400 miles on that back tire on the trainer and it was looking pretty scary from the trainer. I asked my biking pal about it and he said that there was still easily 500 or so miles left on it, even if it looked a bit "squared off". I biked to work (12 miles) on it this morning and it was I am not switching out the tire yet. As for the boring trainer, I bought a rear tire cycling computer which helps tons that I can see my stats...and I watch whatever I have DVRed, but I was SO happy to be out this morning -biking for real!
