Sunday, October 11, 2009

Double digits!

So I finally, for the first time since January, had a double-digit run. I ran 10 miles yesterday! In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't seem like a "long run", but I think it's an important milestone (pun intended). I had to take a 3-month break from running, starting in January, when I developed a stress fracture in my right foot. The fracture was my own fault, because I stupidly started running further distances and faster paces when I was under-trained. The whole problem began shortly after I jumped into double-digit runs, which is why I was nervous to make that leap this time. Luckily, starting in April, I have built my mileage up very slowly, both in distance and pace, so I was a lot more prepared.

I couldn't convince anyone to go with me on the run - my sister was resting because she ran a half marathon today (more on that later) and darling boyfriend said he would be glad to bike the distance while I ran, only he doesn't have a bike. I didn't want to run on the local bike path alone, since people have been known to get attacked (by people and dogs) while running there, so I headed over to a park that has about 5 miles of paved trails (some may remember this park from my earlier post about the family on the foot bridge). I didn't wear an ipod, because it's against the rules to wear one during races, and I want to get used to running without music now. Suffice it to say that 10 miles of running with no company and no music is a whole lot of time to spend in my own head.

I started off at a really conservative pace, and hit the first mile at about 9:44. I had concocted a plan that would allow me to hit the halfway point (5 miles) back at the parking lot and my car, where I would take a Gu and some water before doing the next 5 miles. Even though I'd be able to stop at my car, I wore my SPIbelt for the first time, just so I could get used to the way it felt. Touted as the "original small personal item belt", the SPIbelt is basically a pocket attached to an elastic band that clips around the waist and isn't supposed to move or bounce while you run. 

That picture is totally me, and those are totally my abs. OK fine, they're not. Anyway. True to its claims, I hardly felt the belt when I ran - in fact I literally forgot I was wearing it. Of course, all I had in it was a bandaid, a Gu, and my car key, but still. It was surprisingly comfortable. But I digress.

I basically held steady at a 9:25 pace after the first mile. I didn't get too bored running along the paths because there were quite a few walkers, joggers, bikers, and really cute dogs to look at. Additionally, there was a really big farmer's market being held at one end of the park, and I kept seeing people walking back to their cars with their arms full of goodies like apples, cider donuts, squash, cheese, and fresh milk. I fantasized about stopping and getting some treats for a good 20 minutes or so.

I got back to my car around 47 minutes into the run, and braced myself for my first experimentation with fuel. I thought I had bought and brought a Clif Shot, but it turned out I had a Gu, which I had heard terrible things about. It was Tri Berry flavor and apparently contained caffeine. It had gotten a little warm from sitting snug against my body in the SPIbelt, but I ripped the package open, squeezed, and hoped for the best. Unfortunately, I got the worst. It was disgusting. The texture alone was abominable. It coated my mouth and felt gooey and sticky, and I chugged half a bottle of water just to get it down my throat. I gagged a little and a man pulling up next to me in the parking lot laughed. I chugged the other half of my water just to get rid of the taste, which seemed very chemically to me. It was all around yucky.

After I recovered a little from the trauma of the Gu, and re-tied my shoes, I took off on the second half of my run. The only benefit of the Gu was that it gave me something to ponder during the next couple of miles. I was trying to come up with a product similar in texture, so I could adequately describe it to someone who'd never tried Gu. After about 2 miles I finally had it - warm Vaseline. That was exactly it. If you can imagine trying to swallow a mouthful of Vaseline that has melted a little bit, you can imagine what it's like trying to take a Gu. I won't say the Gu didn't do its job as far as fueling goes, because I felt fine for the rest of the run. On the other hand, I don't really think I need to fuel on a 10-mile run. The main purpose of experimenting with it yesterday was to get an idea of what will or won't work on marathon day (and in subsequent triathlons). I think I'll try something different on the next long run - hopefully something that won't make me gag, which I admit I do even just thinking about that stupid Gu.

Trying to come up with a proper Gu metaphor got me through 2 miles, and I got through the last 3 by promising myself I would stop at the farmer's market when I was done. Chocolate milk is supposed to be a really good recovery drink (something about the right combination of protein/carbs/fat) and I thought I'd snag a pint. And maybe a baked good while I was at it. The day had turned really windy, and my ears were hurting from the cold, but I sped up during the last portion anyway, as I usually do when I know the end is near and I don't feel like I'm about to die. I went just under 9 minutes per mile for the last 2 miles.

After I finished, I stretched for a good 5 minutes, then got in my car and drove to the other end of the park to hit up the market (yes I had just run 10 miles, and no, I didn't feel like walking the quarter of a mile it would take me to get to the farmer's market. It was cold outside). I grabbed my chocolate milk, and I wanted to spend more time browsing the goodies, but it was really windy and cold, so I skipped straight to the bakery table, where I got two giant black and white cookies and an almond-poppyseed muffin. I chugged the milk as soon as I got back to the car, and saved the muffin to eat with my coffee later.

So, I made it back to my double-digit runs, and (knock on wood) nothing horrible happened to my legs. I'm hardly sore at all today (that chocolate milk must really work!), my feet haven't fallen off, I don't even have so much as a black toenail! And, to top it off, I hit 20 miles for the week! That makes me happy.

* I would be remiss if I didn't take a minute to give a shout-out to my older sister, who ran a half-marathon today, smashing her personal record by 5 minutes, clocking in at 1:35 for the 13.1 miles, and thereby qualifying for the NYC marathon in 2010. She may kill me for saying this, but it's my blog and I can do whatever I want. My sister ran in high school, halfheartedly in college, and then gained a whole lot of weight after college. It was only about 2 years ago that she decided to take it up again, and she has proceeded on with single-minded dedication, shedding the weight and dropping her times. Stay tuned to see how she does in the Philadelphia marathon at the end of November.

Of course, I'd also be remiss if I did not add: Sister, you better watch out, because I am going to KICK YOUR BUTT. Eventually. I guess you could call yourself an inspiration or a motivating factor or something. Just don't let it go to your head.


  1. Ah, the first experience with fuel is something else, right? I have settled on the Vanilla Bean and Strawberry Banana flavors of Gu for the winter and then the Apple Pie and Chocolate flavors of Cliff Shots for the winter. It's weird how everyone's stomachs react differently, but those are the only flavors I can handle - and only during certain seasons! Congrats on your first double digit run this year!!!!

  2. I freeze mine to keep them less warm Vaseline more frosting texture, maybe you can try that?!

  3. MMM frosting! Do you use Gu specifically? I'm going to experiment with Clif shots next I think, just to see if I like the texture better. I'd use the different beans/blocks available, but I don't think I want to waste energy chewing! Haha.

  4. I only use cliff/luna products and justins peanut butter. My tummy can't do gatorade or gu products.

  5. Gu, Gatorade and Sports Beans also bother my stomach. I think it might have something to do with them being so fake and chemical tasting. I stick to water and Honey Stingers "Ginsting" flavor energy gels during long runs/races. The taste and texture is like you are just eating pure honey. Yum!

  6. tri girls sister: WAY TO GO ON YOUR HALF! NYC qualifying time is a HUGE accomplishment!!! Thats Pretty awesome!!!!

    tri girl: I think you have to experment, when I started doing it, I did it at home, cause I was afraid I would puke etc. I have some extra stuff I don't use, that I can send you if you want it, just let me know.

  7. 2 people have now told me Tri Berry is the worst Gu flavor. I wish I'd known that before I sucked it down. Gag. I looked at the Honeystinger website and the gels look really good, so I'll report back on that one.

    Ellen, I was totally afraid I'd throw up my Gu, blech! I'll email you to see what kind of stuff you've got lying around...

  8. Hi! I just wanted to tell you that I love your blog and I can totally relate to all the stuff you are talking about...especially getting used to riding the bike, I found that to be the most terrifying part of training for a triathlon! I'm hoping to do some more sprint and maybe slightly longer tri's next summer so maybe we can do some together!

  9. Thanks Ellen! I had never heard of Justin's Peanut Butter before but I just looked it up and it looks awesome! I might have to order some and try it on one of my long runs.
