Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fall?? Where are you??

It seems that Mother Nature has entirely skipped over the Autumnal season this year. The weather went from 70 degrees and humid, to 40 degrees (as a high for the day!) with a frost on the ground. I do NOT do well with the cold weather. On my run yesterday morning, I had to wear fleece-lined tights and my Sugoi hooded top with built-in mittens. The sign along my route that flashes the temperature periodically (which, oddly, is in front of a strip club) read 34 degrees. My breath hovered in front of me the entire way. Some guy walking his dog called "It's not that cold out here!" to which I haughtily replied "I am really sensitive to the cold." 

And it's true. Some people would have overheated with all the clothes I was wearing. Some people would probably be comfortable wearing a lot less - like the guy working on his car wearing shorts and a t-shirt (wtf!?!?). But I was completely comfortable with all my layers on. I didn't get hot at all.

That got me thinking. How on earth am I going to train through November and December for a marathon in January? If I'm putting on my warmest, thickest clothing mid-October, I'll have to come up with some sort of insulated, personal heater-type suit of armor in order to run outside in the coming months. I have a $25 coupon to Fleet Feet, but I don't think they sell suits of armor there. Maybe I can pick up an extra jacket though.

Now, I know that I was running outside up until January last year, but somehow I still can't fathom doing it this year, especially when it's incredibly hard to force myself out there in the Fall!

But, I will have to carry on. I will be running both an 18-miler and a 20-miler in December, and I'm sure as hell not going to run those on a treadmill. I shudder at the thought of my frozen toes and fingers, my frostbitten nose and ears. Next year, I'm picking a spring marathon.

At least I'll be able to ride my bike inside. I got an indoor trainer for it off of Craig's List! But more on that later...

1 comment:

  1. I have some suggsetions!!! It doesn't get as cold here as it does say, in North Dakota, but we spend a fair amount of time in the teens/20s and even some below 0 days throughout the winter. For socks, look for Smart Wool at your running or outdoor store (or their website) they're a thin wool sock, but they keep your tootsies warmer than cotton! I also have some really thick Adidas dry-fit type socks that I break out when it's really, really cold.

    For tops/bottoms, try layers! I have tights that are cold tested down to 20 degrees, and when it's below that/wet/windy, I'll layer a pair of sweats over them for some added warmth. On top, I'll wear a running tee with a fleece or hoodie over the top (depending on if it's wet, windy, etc). I also like layering an under-armor long sleeved shirt under my tee (so layers would be sport bra, under armor, short sleeve, and then either LS shirt/fleece/hoodie).

    For hands, this winter I'm going to get a pair of mittens and wear my running gloves under the mittens on extra cold days :)

    Don't worry, your body is probably also shocked by the cold now...and once you've had a few weeks like this, it won't be as noticable!
