Friday, February 5, 2010

The swimsuit grab's not for everyone!

Way back in the fall, when I took a few swim lessons, the coach, B, asked me if I got my suits from the "grab bag." Clearly, I had no idea what she meant, and I said, "Um, no, I just ordered this online..." And yes, I said ordered this, because up until a few days ago, I only owned one bathing suit (well, for lap swimming anyway.) In my defense, I wasn't swimming enough to warrant spending money on multiple suits, plus the one I had was reversible, so technically it was two suits. But I digress.

B told me there were swimming websites that had "grab bag" categories, where you could enter just your size, and they (I'm not sure exactly who "they" are, but I'm guessing they are the warehouse workers) pick a pattern/print and send it to you. Now, I'm not a fan of buying things sight unseen, but the appeal to the grab bag deal is that the suit price is dramatically reduced. A good quality bathing suit can run anywhere from $50 to $80. When I googled swimsuit grab bag, I found deals on TYR and Speedo at this website:

There were TYR grab bag deals for $19.95 and Speedo deals for $29.95. Score! I decided I needed a new suit to throw into the rotation, since I plan on swimming 2-3 times a week. I was a little nervous that I might end up with a bathing suit print that looked like a grandma's wallpaper, but when I stopped to consider the fact that the pool I swim in is dominated by old men, cute swimwear didn't seem so important. I decided to go with TYR because the suit I already had was TYR and I liked it. Also, it was cheaper. I'm not frugal, really. I'm economical.

When the package got delivered the other day, I was really, ridiculously excited. It was like Christmas! Sure, I knew what was in it...a bathing suit, duh. But, I didn't know what it would look like. Oh, the possibilities! Would it be ugly, or cute? A print, or a solid? Flowers, stripes, polka dots?

I tore open the package, and this is what I found:

YAY it has PINK in it!! I was pleasantly surprised with the results of the grab bag. I know orange may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I enjoy bright colors, and though I may not have picked this out if I'd had dozens of prints at my fingertips, I like it! The most important part, of course, is that it fits. It's actually orange, with thin blue, green, and pink stripes, with a pink outline. Here's a close-up:

Er...a closer up anyway. Gee, from the last few posts, it probably seems like I'm more interested in the gear and the accessories than the actual workouts. I promise, that's not the case! Although it does provide a good incentive...but no, the real point of this post is to let everyone know about the "grab bag" deal, just in case they were clueless!

And now, to prove that I really am in this for the workouts, I'll just say that in the past week I surpassed my swim and cycling totals from the entire month of January. The running...I'm working on. How much longer can I use the excuse, "Hey, I just ran a marathon!!!"??


  1. hahahahaha I love your new suit! Do you like it?!

  2. Haha Ellen, I accidentally hit publish before I finished the as you can see, yes I really like it!

  3. Very nice. I also had no idea about any grab bags! I got my suit at a discount from Rachael's mom's store. :) Yours is cute!

  4. I love the suit! Even with my discount at work, I still can't find a suit for $19.99. I'm going to have to look into grab bag prices. :) Great job on your workouts - I have been on run mode but I'm having a hard time with the swim! I need to get it together before April 18th! :)

  5. I love but I've always been wary of the grab bags. I was like you...scared I'd get the weird and ugly pattern that they couldn't get rid of through normal sales. I'm happy to see they actually send you something cool. I will have to try it out!!

  6. Jenn, I think I'm becoming obsessed w/!

  7. You've inspired me, I'm gonna order a grab bag!!

  8. hahaha too funny about the early post.

    I was like, thats it, does she love it?! Obvi, you were just building mystery.

  9. Jenn, you will have to let me know what you get! I hope it'll be something cute. If not, I'll take full blame.

  10. I LOVE that swimsuit! SO cute!

  11. I think that's a great suit- especially for $20. Swim suits are supposed to be bright enough to be seen from space.

  12. Okay, I ordered one from the grab bag, same price same brand, cause I needed a new one.

    I will be sure to let you know how it turns out.
