Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What would your Olympic event be?

This post isn't strictly triathlon related...OK it's not triathlon related at all. But it's time sensitive, because it's about the Olympics. I LOVE the Olympics. Summer, winter, I don't discriminate. They both have appealing events for me. In summer, of course, track is a big draw, but so are swimming and gymnastics. In winter, it's figure skating, speed skating, and skiing. There's just something about the spirit of competition that's so compelling.

Every time I watch the Olympics, I get to thinking about what type of event I could truly be competitive in (aside from moving to a tiny, under-represented country and trying out for the track team). Most of the things I've come up with, and that darling boyfriend has suggested to me, aren't athletic competitions at all. It's still amusing to consider, though.

Here's the list, along with the medal color I think I could score in each event:
  • Chocolate eating (GOLD!)
  • Preparing for work in the morning in the least amount of time possible - easily 15 minutes or less (at least SILVER)
  • Longest leg hair competition - strictly a winter event (GOLD!)
  • Crying as a manipulation tool (BRONZE)
Things darling boyfriend thinks I could be a contender in:
  • Whining
  • Complaining
  • Sleeping
  • Eating
This doesn't bode well for me. Moving to an under-represented country is looking like the best plan...What life event would you medal in if it was added to the Olympic roster? 


  1. Endurance laughing (GOLD)
    Nicknaming (SILVER)
    Diagramming sentences (at least SILVER)

    That was fun. :)

  2. enthusiasm for spin class (GOLD)

    regular starbucks customer/ light up baristas day/face upon entering (GOLD)

    gchating (bronze)


  3. In the spirit of the ever humble Evegeni Plushenko, I am going to award myself the Platinum Medal in coffee drinking. And that's really all I need.

  4. EE - I think you'd also be a strong contender in "Enthusiasm for Mondays." Perhaps even the ONLY contender?

  5. I could give you a run for your money in the Chocolate Eating competition. I could seriously eat it everyday for the rest of my life, it's sad actually...

  6. Diet coke drinking (gold in the 2009 Olympics but I had to go back into retirement this year)

    Cramming laundry into the washer (silver)

    Creative use of leftovers for lunch (silver).

    That last one is kind of funny because I horrified my coworker by eating salad with a nuked fish patty smothered in leftover chicken and rice soup for lunch. I was like, "It's kind of like taco salad." She said no.

  7. Chelsea - Cramming laundry into the washer, you'd probably get the silver because I'd get the gold. The boyfriend jokes that I put so much in there that some it comes out without even getting wet.

    And it sounds like you'd probably actually get the gold in creative use of leftovers!

  8. Bowling (maybe a bronze if I was on a roll that day? more like standing next to the podium, looking at it wistfully)

    Procrastination - dishes (GOLD)

    Failing to put away the laundry (GOLD)

    Reading too much when I should be working (GOLD)

    Facebook addiction (GOLD!!!!!)

    Grammar hound (silver)

    I'm way behind on blogs but this was fun :)
