Friday, December 18, 2009

Oh how I love working out indoors...

Yep, I said it. When the temperatures are frigid and the roads and sidewalks are icy, sometimes it's nice to be able to exercise inside. Where it's warm. Where I don't have to wear 5,000 layers that only serve to weigh me down. I hate the cold weather, which is ironic since I live in a place where it's relatively "cold" for five or six months of the year.

I know, most people don't like to run on the treadmill when they could be running outside, because it's boring, or it feels like you're going nowhere ( don't just feel like you're going nowhere, you are going nowhere). I tend to agree with those opinions, until the temperature dips below 20 degrees and the winds start blowing, and the last thing I feel motivated to do is go out and run for an hour or more. Which is part of the reason that I ran 14 miles on the treadmill last weekend.

With biking, you start to feel cold when the temperatures dip below 40 or so (at least, that's the case for me). The fact that you're moving pretty fast and creating your own wind (I'm not talking about farting) makes the air feel maybe 10 to 20 degrees cooler than it actually is. Fingertips? What fingertips? Forget about them, can't feel them. The tip of the nose disappears, too. 

And that is why I'm elated to report that I have moved Pink Lightning into her winter home.


This is Pink Lightning, on the Ascent Fluid trainer, in my basement. I scored the indoor trainer off of Craigs List back in July or August, anticipating that I'd need it in the future. I did a little bit of reading, and the Ascent Fluid got pretty good reviews, so I bought it from an older woman who was moving to North Carolina and would be able to ride outdoors year-round (lucky lady).

I am proud to announce that I read the directions and assembled this all by myself. It took me a little bit of huffing and heaving, and I had to consult the directions included in the box, and online instructions, but I did it! I then proceeded to to take the trainer for a test ride. I pushed Pink Lightning in front of the television, and pedaled away for 60 minutes, sweating my arse off. It felt much better than losing the feeling in my extremities. Plus, I didn't have to wear layer after layer of clothing. I was in the privacy of my own home, I could have worn a sports bra and undies if I wanted to (I didn't).

Once I was finished with the workout, I simply pushed the bike and trainer out of the way, where it is conveniently front of our "guest bed" and behind the TV and sitting area. 

Now, I'm not saying training indoors can replace training outdoors in any way, shape, or form. After all, I won't be running a marathon on the treadmill, or competing in an indoor bike race. I am still running outside when I have to - tomorrow, for example, I'll attempt a 20-miler outside while the temperature hovers somewhere in the single digits.

I'm just sayin', I wouldn't mind so much if Santa put a treadmill under the Christmas tree. And maybe next year he can spring for an indoor infinity pool.


  1. 14 miles on a treadmill is crazy!!!

  2. Hahaha yeah, it was kind of stupid, but it was nice not to have to think about the cold. Plus, I watched part of an America's Next Top Model marathon!!

  3. Well, I'm just going to come right out and say it. I'm pretty sure you're awesome.

    I just found your blog...and you sound like you could be my twin. :)

    Everything from the ultimate goal, to the age, down to the apparent love of pink...

    In my book, you officially rock. And you are SO added to my blogroll.

    And YAY for indoor running. I'm about to throw down $150 to buy my friend's old I can indoor-run because there are NO GYMS where I live!

    Keep it up! *And come visit my blog if you're bored!*
