Thursday, April 29, 2010

Gone with the wind

I really do not like running when it's super windy outside. Sure, you feel great going in one direction, with the wind at your back, but going the other way it feels like running on the treadmill, because you're practically going nowhere. Only it's worse than running on the treadmill, because the wind is whipping leaves and other crap into your face.

Plus, if you're like me and have a bad haircut, it's nearly impossible to keep some of the strands under control. I never should have listened to the hairdresser when she called me a chicken for never doing anything "different" with my hair. I ended up with some long bangs that I can't do anything with! They're that annoying length that is just the tiniest bit too short to go into my ponytail. I'm thinking of getting a new hairdresser.

But anyway. Today when I went out for my run I stuck a few bobby pins and a thin elastic headband in my hair and hoped for the best. The wind was howling like crazy, and soon my bangs were flopping in my face. I felt the top of my head to make sure the bobby pins were still there, and they were. But the headband wasn't. I hadn't even felt it fly off! Now, granted, it could have been due in part to the fact that I have a giant head, and headbands have never fit me well. (It's true, I really do have a big sisters and one mean boy used to call me bobble head).

I've decided to finally go ahead and order some Bondi Bands. Supposedly, they stay put, and wick sweat away, too, so you don't get any dripping in your eyes. Now I just have to decide which to order...I'm debating between three. Should I order the one that says "I love running; I hate running; I love running; I hate running." Or "Run later." Or "I run for chocolate." Or all three?

Does anyone have these? Do they work? Are they worth the $8 each?


  1. We still call you Bobble Head.

  2. Annie once saw a giant turtle with the giant eyes in her giant head.
