Sunday, April 25, 2010


This post has NOTHING to do with running or triathlons, except for the fact that I now have something to worry about losing while I'm exercising.

That's right, I got ENGAGED on Friday!!!!!!!! (That definitely deserves 8 exclamation points). I've only been waiting for ohhhh 2 years or so. In our typical fashion, darling fiance (as he will henceforth be referred to) and I got engaged in our bathroom. Yes, our bathroom. You see, I was rushing around to get ready for a dinner he told me we were going to with a couple of his friends and their significant others. I was late getting home from work, in a lousy mood, and was in the bathroom straightning my hair and grumbling to myself about not wanting to spend the evening in mixed company. Darling fiance was in the kitchen and I called out to him that I planned on getting tipsy off of wine and initiating a serious conversation about "our future." Which I knew he would know meant I planned to nag him about not being engaged after dating for 3+ years. Well, right after the words were out of my mouth he appeared in the doorway of the bathroom, pulled the ring out from behind his back, and asked me to marry him, thereby eliminating the need for me to nag him all night (I still don't actually know if he had planned on proposing before dinner, or if he decided to do it on the spot then because he didn't want to listen to me complain all night). I spent about a solid minute doing the typical "OMG OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS IS THIS A DREAM OMG ARE YOU FOR REAL?" and squealing and jumping around. And then, we went to dinner (alone) and toasted our future with champagne and lots of food.

So there you have it. Darling fiance has warned me about 20 times already to take the ring off when I'm swimming, biking, or running because he doesn't have it insured yet and I'm notorious for losing things. I once lost a ring (NOT a diamond one) when I was getting ready for bed, and apparently took it off and absentmindedly threw it in the garbage instead of putting it in the jewelry box. Whoops.

That's OK, though. It'd be hard to get used to working out lugging all this extra weight around on my hand, anyway! 

For what it's worth, I do not plan to start using this blog to talk about wedding details. I may start a new, separate blog for that, so stay tuned for the link if you are interested.

P.S. Sorry for the relatively crappy picture. I got my camera stuck on some weird setting and can't figure out how to change it back.


  1. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! If it makes you feel better, my DH proposed to me in my messy dorm room. I still hate that it was messy.

  2. Congratulations!!! :)
